Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Drinking Water Habits Considered Myth

Water is important for the body. If the water needs are met very well the body will rarely get sick. But an expert in assessing renal there habits that are considered must be obeyed in drinking water when in fact it was not necessarily true.

Kidney specialist, Dr Stanley Goldfarb of the University of Pennsylvania who has published research journal of the American Society of Nephrology was quoted as saying Thursday (4/3/2010) says there are false assumptions that circulate in the community about drinking water.

He saw there were five myths about drinking water that was so trusted by the people, namely:

1. Drink 8 glasses each day
Dr. Goldfarb claimed to not know where it comes from the standard advice about drinking 8 glasses of water a day. "Nobody really knows," said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a kidney expert at the University of Pennsylvania.

According to the needs of each person is different drinks, it could be enough for the number one but less than or advantages for others. The owner of the body that knows exactly how much water needs. Because of the myth of drinking 8 glasses of water a day many people who feel guilty if they did not reach the drinking 8 glasses a day.

2. Drink lots of water can help clean up toxic
Kidneys filter toxins from the bloodstream. Then the toxins is out through the urine. The question is, whether drinking more water can improve renal function? "No," said Goldfarb. In fact, drinking large amounts of water will likely reduce the ability of the kidneys in filtering. This is a small decline, but surely.

3. Many drank the same as healthy skin
Our bodies consist of 60 percent water. Thus, people with weight 200 pounds, registration is 120 pounds of water. Adding a few glasses of water each day has limited effect. "This is a small part of what is in the body," said Goldfarb. So it is unlikely this can benefit the body.

A study published in 2007 about the benefits of water to a beauty show that 500 ml of water increases capillary blood flow in the skin. But it is not clear whether these changes are clinically significant.

4. Drink plenty of water to lose weight
"Water is a great strategy for people who want to diet because it contains no calories," says Madeline Fernstrom of the University of Pittsburgh. So keep your mouth busy even without food and also get a sense of satisfaction. But according to the water is not magic Fernstrom. Other options for zero-calorie diet is to reduce the soda.

5. Easy to dehydration during exercise
Dehydration will be felt when one loses 2 percent of your weight. In hot and dry places water needs will increase. Marathon runners, bikers and pedestrians need to recognize the signs of dehydration.

American College of Sports Medicine recommends that athletes drink 16 ounces of fluid several hours before starting exercise. But for people to walk in the park, do not need a bottle of water. Goldfarb also suggest, drink only when you are thirsty.

Goldfarb's findings are different from health experts other. Prof. Dr. Ir Hardinsyah, nutritionists and food as well as dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) agriculture Institute of Bogor (IPB) said the water shortage can cause a person experiences a brain disorder. "Not just 1 percent may develop memory problems," he said some time ago.

While Dr. SpPD.KGH dr Parlindungan Siregar, a specialist in internal medicine at FKUI-RSCM has said when the body of water shortages or dehydration, fluid in the brain is reduced, which should get more oxygen flowing to the brain was reduced.

As a result, brain cells become active and growing, even shrink. And when that happens, the brain can no longer perform its normal functions, especially cognitive function finally make a person, easily forgotten, and no concentration.

While Professor Hiromi Shinya MD, an expert on enzymes that also professor of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, the U.S. stressed the importance of scheduling an ideal drinking water.

Like the plants, he said there was a good period for drinking because of excessive watering the plants would make plants become rotten and withered.
The ideal way to meet the need of water for the body are:

1-3 glasses of waking in the morning
2-3 cups, 1 hour before lunch
2-3 cups, 1 hour before dinner.

Admittedly, each person needs different drink but make it a habit to drink water 6-8 glasses per day (1.5-2 liters) for adults. If the weather is very hot as the person would need to drink more. Conversely people who have weak digestive systems may experience diarrhea if you drink too much.

Once again the number of water a person needs varies depending on the size of the person's body and what is considered appropriate for the body.


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